Building Castles In Spain

En New York morreu fracasado, trinta e tres anos de América, Ramón Rodríguez Iglesias
que tiña traballado todos ises anos no porto da cibdade,
na colleita de mazás en California
nas minas de Pensilvanya
na sega do trigo en Minnesota
indo dun estado a outro soñando, asentado cas pernas afora, nas portas dos vagós de cárrega dos ferrocarrís
pra ter, era seu soño, un castelo ergueito sobor rochas cobertas de argazos, de percebes, de patelas, de nécoras,
sobor dunha mar fonda, de pulpos pretos,
na costa atlántica galega.
Un castelo cavilaba envolto en cincentas névoas e outas vagas
e que, sen sabelo, Ramón Rodríguez Iglesias tiña herdado facía moitos anos.

Cando morreu, ao seu sobriño desconocido, Dalmacio da Cruña,
quedáronlle do tío de América uns poucos dólares
e tamén o castelo ergueito sobor de rochas, broslado de escumas da mar,
que o tío americano tiña soñado
nas minas de Pensilvanya, no porto de New York, nos trigaes de Minnesota, nos pomareiros de California.

Building Castles in Spain

In New York he died a failure, thirty three years of America, Ramón Rodríguez Iglesias
who had worked all of these years in the port of the city,
in the harvest of apples in California
in the coalmines of Pennsylvania
in the wheat reaping in Minnesota
going from one State to another dreaming, sitting with his legs hanging out of the freight car doors of the railroads
just to have, it was his dream, a castle built up amongst the rocks covered by seaweed, goose barnacles, baskets of crabs,
around a deep sea of firm octopuses
on the Atlantic Galician coast.
He thought about a castle wrapped in ashen fog and high waves
and, without knowing about it, Ramón Rodríguez Iglesias had inherited it many years ago.

When he died, his unknown nephew, Dalmacio da Cruña,
received a few dollars from the uncle of America
and also a castle built up amongst the rocks, embroidered out of the ocean foams,
the same one of which his  uncle had dreamt
in the coalmines of Pennsylvania, in the port of New York, in the wheat fields of Minnesota, in the apple trees of California.

Fardel de eisilado, 1952/Bundle of an exiled (1952)
Luís Seoane
Gravados de Luís Seoane


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