Imaxes de Emilio Blanco, que para poñer os títulos inspirase en cancións con toques country, por exemplo a de enriba ponlle o da peza de Poco,In the heart of the night, esa que di entre outras cousas:
In the heart of the night
In the cool southern rain
There's a full moon in
Shinin' down on the Pontchartrain
And the river she rises
like she used to do
She's so full of surprises
She reminds me of
In the cool southern rain
There's a full moon in
Shinin' down on the Pontchartrain
And the river she rises
like she used to do
She's so full of surprises
She reminds me of
A outra, na que é xa de día, aínda que cheo de friaxe, dalle o nome dunha canción de Natalie Marchant, que se chama Cowboy Romance, e que ela entona así o principio:
It's a Saturday afternoon romance
Between a cowboy and a fool...
A drunken meet up
In a crude saloon
A poor rocky mountain town
He's a scoundrel and
She's no pearl
Together they are two lovers cruel
Got her balanced on his knee
He knows exactly what to say
"you ain't been born
'til you get out of town
And honey, you might come with me
Between a cowboy and a fool...
A drunken meet up
In a crude saloon
A poor rocky mountain town
He's a scoundrel and
She's no pearl
Together they are two lovers cruel
Got her balanced on his knee
He knows exactly what to say
"you ain't been born
'til you get out of town
And honey, you might come with me
Ben, para rematar vai un video de Poco, que sabe a moito. Todo dedicado ao autor das fotografías, Mariángeles e Laura. Que a neve lles sea leve estes días de invernia.