Polo meu camiño

Se queres un home agarimoso
Son o que necesitas
Se queres un xardín na túa cabeza
Eu teño a semente
Pero se queres seguridade
Non veñas polo meu camiño
Aínda amareiche como ao sol nacente
Sei que non podo quedar
Sempre é unha palabra senlleira
Empecemos co hoxe.

Coñecina nunha montaña solitaria
No camiño cara ao Cantábrico
Faleille de autoestradas senlleiras
Faloume de dor.
Espertei satisfeito
Botado nos seus brazos
Estiven esgazado na súa pel de ouro
Preso dos seus feitizos.
As xornadas pasaron como bolboretas
Movéndose entre as árbores
Escribín o seu nome na area
Ouvino na brisa mariña.
Logo pediume que me quedase
E sabía o que tiña que dicir
Sempre é unha palabra solitaria
Empecemos co hoxe.

Road to Spain

If you want a lovin' man
I'm what you need.
You want a garden in your head
I've got the seed.
But if you want to settle down
Don't come my way
Though I'll love you like the risin' sun,
I Know I can't stay.
Forever is a lonely word,
Let's start with today.

I met her on a silent mountain
On the road to Spain.
I spooke to me of pain.
Evening found me satisfied
Layin' in her arms.
I was broken in her golden skin,
Captured by her charms.
The day went by ike butterflies,
Driftin' thru' the trees.
I wrote her name in the sand,
Heard it on the breeze.
Then she asked me to stay,
And I Know I must say
Forever is a lonely word,
Let's start with today.

If you want a lovin' man
I'm what you need.
You want a garden i9n your head
I've got the seed.
But if you want to settle down
Don´t come my way
Thought I'll love you like the risin' sun
I Know is a lonely word,
Let's start with today.

Reinterpretación en galego de Road to Spain  (incluida no disco grande: No more range to roam)
Cristopher Jones

Fotografías de © Roque Soto


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