Vilas literarias: Quiroga

Os lobos

¿Sabedes cando se estreven os lobos cos homes? Cando teñen moita fame, ou cando se decatan que lles teñen medo. Por iso cáseque nunca atacan a tres ou máis xuntos. Cando se atopan un home soio pola serra, póñense a traballalo. Teñen moito distinto... Xa veredes cóma o traballan. De primeiro, acompáñamo; despois, póñenselle diante; máis tarde, chéganlle a zorrega-las pernas cos rabos... Asín, pouquiño a pouquiño. Vén un intre en que o home xa non pode máis. O medo alporízalle os cabelos. Parécelle que lle cravaran allambres na testa. Váiselle a voz, perde o sentido. Xa está perdido. Bótanse os lobos enriba dil i esnaquízano. Cada vinte anos ou menos, dáse por istas terras un caso dises. Desaparece un home. Crese que o mataron ou que fuxiu prás Américas. O cabo de dous ou tres anos ninguén fala dil. Un cazador atopa nunha xesteira unha calivera. ¿De quen sería? Así lle aconteceu ó Pastrán de Vesuña, fai moitos anos. Mais si o home non perde o coraxe, non se estreven con il.


Do you know when wolves face up most the men? When they are very hungry or when they realize that they are afraid of them. That´s why they never attack three or more together. When they find a man alone in the mountains they work on him. They have a good instinct... You´ll see how they work on him. First, they accompany him; then they go ahead of him; afferwards they whip him on the legs with  their tails... So little by little... A time comes when the man can't take anymore, fear makes his hair stand on end. It is as if they had driven wires into his head. He becomes mute, he loses consciousness. He's lot. The wolves dash him and tear him to pieces. Every twenty years or so something like that happens around here. A man disappears. He is believed to have been killed or to have run away to America. After two or three years nobody talks about him anymore. A hunter finds a skull among some brooms. Whose is it? That´s what happened to Pastrán de Vesuña, many years ago. But if men didn't  show fear they wouldn't face up to them.

A lus do candil 
Ánxel Fole

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