Porque no mundo mengou a verdade

Porque no mundo mengou a verdade,
punhei un día de a ir buscar;
e, u por ela fui a preguntar,
disseron todos: «Alhur la buscade,
ca de tal guisa se foi a perder,
que non podemos én novas haver
nen ja non anda na irmaidade».

Nos moesteiros dos frades regrados
a demandei, e disseron-m'assí:
«Non busquedes vós a verdad'aquí,
ca muitos anos havemos passados
que non morou nosco, per bõa fe,
(nen sabemos ond' ela agora esté)
e d'al havemos maiores coidados».

E en Cístel, u verdade soía
sempre morar, disseron-me que non
morava i, havía gran sazón,
nen frade d'i ja a non conhocía,
nen o abade outrossí no estar
sol non quería que foss'i pousar;
e anda ja fora da abadía.

En Santiago, seend'albergado
en mia pousada, chegaron romeus.
Preguntei-os e disseron: «Par Deus,
muito levade-lo caminh'errado,
ca, se verdade quiserdes achar,
outro caminho convén a buscar,
ca non saben aquí dela mandado».

Since in this world the truth's become so rare

Since in this world the truth's become so rare
I went to try and search it out one day,
and wherever I asked they all woud say,
'You'll have to go and seek the truth elsewhere
because from here it's vanished without trace
and we've no news about it in this pace.
The truth is not in this house, anywhere.'

In houses ruled by Benedictine law
I sought truth, and they responded thus:
'Don't you come seeking the truth among us?
Many long years has it been, to be sure,
since last it had a home with us in here.
Where it's residing now we've no idea,
and other matters concern us much more.'

With Cistercians the truth used to reside
always, but there they told me it had been
a long, long time since it had last been seen.
By no friar could it be identified,
nor would the Abbot, at any behest,
give it permission to lodge as guest,
and now it has to live its life outside.

As, in Santiago, I began my stay
in my hoste, a group of pilgrims came;
I asked them, and' By good God's holy name, '
they all declared, 'yo've gone badly astray
it it's the truth you're after, for you'll hear
no news about it from anyone here.
You'd better go and seek some other way.'

Airas Núnez (século XIII)

Imaxes do Cancioneiro de Alfonso X O Sabio e pergamiño de cantigas de amigo


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