No belo Strathaver tiñamos caza e abundancia
As nosas aves do páramo, os nosos cervos da montaña
Corrían límpidos os ríos con troitas e salmóns
antes de que nos impuxese a alta burguesía
as súas leis sobre a caza
Non volver xa, toca o gaiteiro
Debe partir o barco e nós tamén
Non volver xa, párteseme o corazón
e chorarei amargas bágoas por ti
Polos cordeiros de Cheviot e por avaricia botáronnos
dos nosos fogares e da terra que era nosa
Foi Patrick Selar quen nos ha inflixido esta dor
co lume e as armas dos seus pelotóns de expropiación
Queimaron as nosas casas e as nosas pertenzas
Botáronnos co que levabamos posto
En pleno duro inverno sen onde gorecernos
Onde rompe a cruel ondada sobre a costa rochosa
Sen traballo en Glasgow, sen comida para viaxar
Entre as rocas morreu o noso gando
Vendemos arenques salgados, alimentámonos de ortigas
ata quedarnos pouco máis que o noso orgullo
Despois por milleiros e decenas de milleiros
pagámonos a travesía como servidores contratados
cos aneis de voda e as medallas do noso pai
rumbo ás costas canadenses de América.
Return no more
Return no more
In bonny Strathnaver we had game and plenty
our moorland birds our mountain deer.
Clear ran the rivers with trout and salmon
before the gentry forced their game laws here.
Chorus: Return no more, the piper's playing,
The ship must sail, and so must we.
Return no more, my heart is breaking
and bitter tears I'll cry for thee.
For Cheviot sheep and for greed they drove us
from our native homes and rightful land.
It was Patrick Sellars put this sorrow on us
with the fire and the guns of his clearance gangs.
They burned our houses and our belongings,
they drove us out with what clothes we wore
in bitter winter, devoid of shelter,
to where the cruel waves break upon the rocky shore.
No work in Glasgow, no food to travel,
among the rocks our cattle died.
We sold salt herrings, we lived on nettles
'til there was little left us but just our pride.
Then by the thousands and the tens of thousands
as indentured servants our passage paid
with our wedding rings and our fathers' medals
to sail for Canadian shores or America.
Songs Of Love And Parting
Robin Williamson
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