Chega a medianoite, pódoo sentir no aire. Escoito a túa voz, pasas os teus dedos polo meu cabelo. Estendo a man para tocar a túa, pero sei que non está aí. Collo o meu teléfono, estremézome e quédome mirando. A mañá chega cedo todos os días. Apenas consigo durmir, estiven aquí deitado, pero esperto. Pecho os ollos, e véxoche a ti con outro tipo, rindote coma se nunca soubeses que existía. Quizais sexa un parvo, pero non importa. O peito oprímeme, o corazón aínda me doe. Estes son os días, en que necesitas o dobre do que é necesario. Boteiche tanto de menos que me estremezo. Boteiche tanto de menos que me estremezo. Estiven esperando aquí como un can na porta. Adoitabas tirarme os refugallos, e xa non volverás facelo. Boto de menos as túas caricias, estraño os teus abrazos. Pero se continúo esperando aquí máis tempo, vou desaparecer. Se espero aquí máis tempo, esvaereime.
Midnight coming, I can feel it in the air. I hear your voice, run your fingers through my hair. I reach out for your hand but I know it isn't there. I pick up my phone and I shiver and I stare. Morning coming early every day. I can barely sleep, I been lying here awake. I close my eyes, I see you with some guy, laughing like you never even knew I was alive. Maybe I'm a fool, doesn't matter anyway. My chest is all tight, my hearts still aches. These are the days, you need double what it takes. I've missed you so much I shiver and I shake. I've missed you so much I shiver and I shake. I've been waiting here like a dog at the door. You used to throw me scraps, you don’t do it anymore. I miss your loving touch, I miss your embrace. But if I wait here any longer I'm gonna fade away. If I wait here any longer I'll just fade away.
Shiver And Shake
Ryan Adams
Collages © Shusaku Takaoka