
Ás veces penso que 
seino todo sobre o amor.
E cando vexo a luz
sei que estarei ben.

Teño amigos,
de cando eramos mozos e mozas
e os segredos compartíanse.

Cidade do amor fraternal,
lugar ao que chamo fogar,
non me deas as costas,
non quero estar só.
O amor dura para sempre.

Alguén está a falarme,
chamándome polo meu nome.
Dime que non teño culpa,
que non hei de avergoñarme de amar.

cidade do amor fraternal,
amor fraternal.


Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right.

I've got my friends in the world,
I had my friends
When we were boys and girls
And the secrets came unfurled.

City of brotherly love
Place I call home
Don't turn your back on me
I don't want to be alone
Love lasts forever.

Someone is talking to me,
Calling my name
Tell me I'm not to blame
I won't be ashamed of love.

City of brotherly love.
Brotherly love.

Sometimes I think that I know
What love's all about
And when I see the light
I know I'll be all right.

Philadelphia (BSO) 1993
Neil Young

Pinturas de Ellen Gavin, Sarah Yeoman e John Reilly


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