Dende Silver Lake

Viches ao noso irmán?
Estivo aquí o outro día
Mais só veu a dicir
Que se ía
Viches á súa dama?
Ollaba para onde el se fora
Pero sen dar mostras de dor

Probabelmente vaise
Talvez o atope esperando seu barco
Nunha afastada cidade
Seguramente irase

Ultimamente lembro
Tardes de fume e viño
Nas que non atopabamos
Máis que paz e pracer
E cun sorriso díxome
Que só quería estar xa
En medio do mar
Que ninguén pode medir

Non volverá
E talvez o sol atópeo durmindo
baixo o po
Dunhas afastadas ruínas
Non volverá

Esta mañá cedo, mentres ollaba
o tremoso horizonte
Oín un estrondo
Esta mañá cedo, a cidade espertábase
Mentres eu corría tropezando, gaguexando
Entre riso de nenos e cans

Viches ao noso irmán?
Alguén que estivo fóra
Estivo o outro día
Volveu hoxe de improviso
Pero só veu a dicir que non podía respirar aquí

Viches á súa dama?
Durante un momento cara a cara
Intentaba collerlle a man
Lembramos aquel lugar
Como para dicirlle
Onde iamos buscar
Que ela tampouco podía

Nosos tempos despreocupados
Seguramente iranse
Oh, e ti que sabes?
Nada do que eu sentín
Vendo afastarse o amor
O pasado cicratiza tan amodo
Mais mañá, lonxe da dor

From Salt Lake City

Did you see our brother? He was here the other day
But he only came to say that he was leaving
Did you see his lady? She was looking where he'd gone
But she wasn't letting on that she was grieving
She's bound to go
Perhaps she'll find him waiting for his boat in some city far away
She's bound to go

Lately I remember afternoons of smoke and wine
There was nothing we could find but peace and pleasure
And with a smile he told me that he wanted just to be
On his way across the sea no man can measure
He won't be back
And the sun may find him sleeping in the dust
Of some ruin far away
He won't be back

Early today as I watched while the skyline was shaking
I heard a rumbling
Early today the mechanical city was waking
And I ran out stumbling, mumbling
Out through the laughter of children and dogs

Did you see our brother? He was here the other day
But he only came to say that he can't breathe here
Did you see his lady? She was reaching for his hand
Just a if to tell her man that she can't either
They're bound to go
And the sun may find me running after them seeing something far away
We won't be back

(Someone who had been away
Suddenly came back today
And I allowed him home today into my mind
For a moment face to face
Evil packed upon the place
Long ago he meant to stay out there this time
Oh what do you know
The love that I've been feeling
The past is healing so slow
By tomorrow gone from sorrow)

Jackson Browne (1972)
Jackson Browne

Fotografías dos discos Jackson Browne (diseño de © Gary Burden) e The Pretender (fotografía de © Tom Kelley)


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