Noite mareira

No ébano xélido
do skating da ría,
voltexando ledas
esbaraban as luces da vila.

No fío da praia
as dornas durmidas,
debruzadas carón da marea
nun soño de illas.

Nas ponlas do vento
o trebón pousado
era un moucho de negro prumaxo
que agoira os naufraxios.

Unha lua verde
penduraba no mouro silenzo
un longo surriso
de esquelete vello.

Seaworthy night

On the frozen ebony
of the inles't skate rink
the town's lights wobbled

On the beach edge_
sleepy saiboats
lean into the tide
dreaming of isles.

On the wind's branches
the downpour come to rest
was an owl with black plumage
auguring shipwrecks.

A green moon
was swinging in the dark silence
a long smile
on an old skeleton.

Luís Amado Carballo

Pinturas de Urbano Lugrís


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