Blues en New Street

Xa estou farto de estar aquí sentado
Levantareime para ir ao centro da cidade
Quizá tome un grolo e chame a un amigo
Para pasar o tempo parolando.

Busco nos petos para ver o que teño
Conto o diñeiro -hai moi pouco.
A situación é sempre igual
Teño que saír de aquí
Este sitio está a volverme tolo.
Meu Deus! Están a entrarme os blues de New Street!

Hai case un ano que abrín esta porta
E preguntei ao meu amigo se podía durmir no chan.
Deume a benvida e acolleume.
Díxenlle que algún día devolvería a súa hospitalidade
Acolleume e o único que pediu a cambio foi unha canción.
Non me dixo nada pero xa sabía que as cousas ían mal
En efecto chegaron a tal punto
Que nos emborrachábamos todas as noites.
E cada vez esperabamos que o día seguinte fose mellor.
Meu Deus! Están a entrarme os blues de New Street!

New Street Blues

Sitting here is really bringing me down
I think I'll get up and go downtown
Have a drink and maybe look up a friend
To talk the hours away and hope the night will never end.

Look in my pockets to see what I've got
I count my money, I don't have a lot
The situation is always the same
I've got to get out of here, this place is driving me insane.

Hold on, I'm getting the new street blues.

About a year ago, I knocked on this door
I asked my friend if I could sleep on the floor
He took me in, said I was welcome to stay
I told him then that I was going to pay him back someday.

He took me in and all he asked was a song
It didn't sound me when I knew it was wrong
It got so bad that we were drunk every night
And I'd pretend that come tomorrow night things would be alright.

Hold on, I'm getting the new street blues.

Sitting here is really bringing me down
I think I'll get up and go downtown
Have a drink and maybe look up a friend
To talk the hours away and hope the night will never end.

Look in my pockets to see what I've got
I count my money, I don't have a lot
The situation is always the same
I've got to get out of here, this place is driving me insane.

Hold on, I'm getting the new street blues.

Can I Have My Money Back? (1971)
Gerry Rafferty ‎

Portadas de discos: Mary Barnes, Logo - Portugal - GO 314 e John Patrick Byrne


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