Xogos tolos

Quitáchesche a gravata e quedáchesche baixo a choiva. 
Sempre fuches así de tolo.
mireiche desde a miña xanela, 
Sempre sentín coma se estivese fóra mirándoche. 
Sempre fuches aquel tipo misterioso
de ollos escuros e pelo despeiteado. 
Con gusto para a moda 
pero demasiado xenial
como para que iso preocupáseche.
Quedaches fronte á miña porta, sen dicir nada,
salvo algún que outro comentario sobre o tempo.
Ben, no caso de que non decataraste, 
no caso de que non o vexas, 
este é o meu corazón desangrándose por  ti,
esta son eu humillada. 
Estes xogos parvos están a esnaquizarme
e as túas palabras  desconsideradas están a crebarme o corazón,
estás a crebarme o corazón. 
Sempre estabas brillante polas mañás, 
fumando os teus cigarros e falando mentres tomabas café. 
Facías críticas sobre arte, o barroco conmocionábache. 
Amabas a Mozart e falabas de todos os teus artistas admirados. 
Mentres eu tocaba torpemente a miña guitarra. 
Ensináchesme cousas honestas, 
as que non nos atreviamos facer, 
cousas que purificábamos. 
Cousas que coñecín, como o que vale unha moeda legal. 
Ocultei as miñas mans manchadas por detrás das miñas costas.
Nalgún momento de entón, debín marcharme, 
deixándoche no valado. 
Ben, descúlpame. Creo que confundínte con alguén distinto,
alguén a quen lle importa todo un carallo, 
alguén máis parecido a min. 
Quitáches a gravata e quedáches baixo a choiva. 
Sempre estiveches así de tolo

Foolish Games

You took your coat off and stood in the rain, 
You're always crazy like that.
And I watched from my window, 
Always felt I was outside looking in on you.
You're always the mysterious one with
Dark eyes and careless hair, 
You were fashionably sensitive
But too cool to care.
You stood in my doorway, with nothing to say
Besides some comment on the weather.
Well in case you failed to notice, 
In case you failed to see, 
This is my heart bleeding before you, 
This is me down on my knees, and...
These foolish games are tearing me apart, 
And your thoughtless words are breaking my heart.
You're breaking my heart.
You're always brilliant in the morning, 
Smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee.
Your philosophies on art, Baroque moved you.
You loved Mozart and you'd talk of your loved ones
As I clumsily strummed my guitar.
You'd teach me of honest things, 
Things that were daring, things that were clean.
Things that knew what an honest dollar did bring.
I hid my soiled hands behind my back.
Somewhere along the line, I must've got 
Off track with you.
Well, excuse me, guess I've mistaken you for somebody else, 
Somebody who gave a damn, 
Somebody more like myself.
You took your coat off, 
You stood in the rain, 
You're always crazy like that.

Pieces Of You (Atlantic, 1995)

Fotografías de © Hugh Hales-Tooke


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