Mary Beizos Quentes Arizona

Chegaches á cidade coa túa camioneta e o teu gardarroupa
O teu turquesa, as túas pastillas e a tripulación
Os teus vaqueiros, os teus playboys, os sementais e os mozos gay
As mozas e o perruqueiro tamén
E alugaches un pequeno apartamento, e todos se instalaron
No medio das almofadas, as contas e os cables do estéreo e os altibaixos na xenebra
Oh Mary, oh Mary, as estrelas da pradería
Seguen a escintilar nos teus zapatos de taco alto
Pero eses foron os días,  Mary, eses foron os días
Cando deixaches de lado o  blues de Hollywood
Cando o diñeiro esgotouse, todos os teus amigos atoparon escusas
A familia pronto veuse abaixo
E aprendiches que hai un límite para o que podes facer
Cando teu bolso non é tan grande como teu corazón
Pero aínda así estás a explotar algo con alguén novo
E ninguén sabe o que fai, de onde vén, ninguén, e menos ti
Oh Mary, oh  Mary, as estrelas da pradería
Seguen a escintilar nos teus zapatos de taco alto
Pero eses foron os días, Mary, eses foron os días
Cando deixaches de lado o blues de Hollywood

Mary Hot Lips Arizona

You came into town with your truck and your wardrobe
Your turquoise, your pills and the crew
Your cowboys, your playboys, the studs and the gay boys
Your gals and your hairdresser, too
And you rented a small apartment, and everyone settled in
Midst the pillows, the beads and the stereo leads and the ups and the downs in the gin
Oh Mary, oh Mary, the stars of the prairie
Still shine on your high stepping shoes
But those were the days, Mary, those were the days
When you side stepped the Hollywood blues
When the money ran low all your friends found excuses
The family soon fell apart
And you learned there's a limit to what you can do
When your purse ain't as big as your heart
But still you're blasting off somewhere on something with somebody new
And nobody knows what he does, where he comes from, nobody, least of all you
Oh Mary, oh Mary, the stars of the prairie
Still shine on your high stepping shoes
But those were the days, Mary, those were the days
When you side stepped the Hollywood blues

Albert Hammond (Mums Records, 1974)
B6-Mary Hot Lips Arizona. Coescrita por Albert HammondMike Hazelwood

Imaxes en branco e negro: Pamela des Barres ® Baron Wolman
Color: Starring night in Arizona ® Christian Heeb Via Getty Images


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